Partner Monday – Week 47

Better Together Integration Forum

Welcome to Partner Monday. A weekly series about our partners and the Dynamics 365 community. This week we talk about the Better Together Integration Forum.

In order to create a collaborative spirit among the Power Platform and Dynamics 365 communities, these two communities have partnered to create the Better Together Forum. Here, you can showcase your how-to  knowledge and cross-application skills. You can find the forum here.

What is special about this forum?

The forum gives users the opportunity to showcase expertise about more than one Dynamics Product or Power Platform. If you have knowledge about one of these products, you can help others in the community who are looking for help. And of course, you’re always free to ask questions to other specialists too!

How does it work?

Register yourself as at the Power Platform Community. You can do that here. Chances are, you already have an account. You are at the same time able to access the Better Together Integration Forum.

Any questions or want more information? Let's talk!
