
Microsoft Teams and Viva

Make HR a Seamless Part of Your Employee Experience.

Connect HR with your Workforce

Seamless communication and collaboration are essential for any organization. The integration of HR systems with collaboration tools, like Microsoft Teams & Microsoft Viva, establishes a digital platform where employees can find everything they need to flourish.

Microsoft offers an extensive digital ecosystem that allows you to integrate apps, such as Microsoft Teams, Viva and Outlook, with Microsoft Dynamics 365 HR, and more! Enhance collaborative experiences and employee self-service by combining HR systems with the tools your workforce is already used to.

Integrated Teams, Viva & Outlook Key Features

  • Instant HR-information access
  • Automated notifications and reminders for HR apps & more
  • Personalized insights on well-being and productivity
  • Integrated learning with Zensai Learn365
  • Simplified scheduling of tasks, reviews, meetings & training
  • Email notifications in Microsoft Outlook
  • Unified HR task management in all apps

Create a Consistent Employee Experience in Microsoft Teams

Integrating all your HR systems and digital resources with Teams provides your employees all they need, right in their digital workspace. Reducing the time it takes to perform routine tasks and make requests, increasing engagement with HR and digital resources.

Employees can easily find what they need within Teams, with access to all relevant resources using the FourVision HR portal or automated notifications for FourVision HR apps.

A unified experience between all your systems ensures a consistent experience for employees and gives HR more time to work on more important tasks.

Connect HR to Microsoft Teams & Viva

FourVision HR portal for Dynamics 365 HR in Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Viva in Microsoft Teams

An HR Portal to All Your HR Systems and Digital Resources

With the power of Microsoft SharePoint we are able to fully integrate our FourVision HR Portal into the Microsoft Teams platform. Allowing your employees to find all the documents, resources, tools and HR systems they need to get the job done. Connect all your digital employee touchpoints to a centralized portal to provide a single starting point for any HR-related task.


See what else is possible with Microsoft D365 HR and FourVision HR solutions!
