Microsoft Dynamics 365 HR Time Tracking

Employee time tracking is something that has largely stayed the same for decades. Even in the modern digital age, companies are still using outdated legacy solutions that rely on employees manually inputting figures into spreadsheet-style data entry screens. In some cases, employees are also tasked with handling data reporting.

This legacy approach is fraught with problems. Manual inputs from employees will naturally lead to potentially costly errors, the solutions themselves are a pain to use, and they require somebody else to collect, comb through, and sign off on user inputs from across an entire organization. And when issues are found (those that don’t slip through the net, that is), they cause unnecessary delays.

With the right Dynamics 365 HR time tracking solution, however, you can avoid all of these problems.

Introducing our Timesheets Web App

As a certified Microsoft Gold Partner, FourVision is constantly engineering new, innovative solutions for the Microsoft Dynamics F&O-HR platform.

Our Timesheets Web App is just one of these solutions. Fully integrated with Dynamics 365, Power BI, and our HR suite, Timesheets can help improve the way you monitor and analyze how your employees are spending their time by enabling:

Easy time entry—The right solution will reduce the effort required by employees to submit time reports, enabling accurate and on-time submissions.

Easy time approval—Project managers benefit from quick and easy reviews of time submissions and can approve or reject them with a single click.

Easy time analysis—Supervisors have a comprehensive and on-demand overview of all time submissions across the company.

The Timesheets Web App also enables employees to record hours that they’ve spent on a particular project or client. This is particularly important for organizations that invoice their clients based on billable hours because accurate, reliable invoicing is one of the foundations of solid client relationships. It’s a win-win for everyone: clients, employees, supervisors, and leaders.

Timesheets embedded in Teams channel

FourVision Timesheets Web App Entry Table


Timesheets Reminders in Microsoft Teams

If you want to simplify your time tracking, get access to the data you need when you need it, and improve the overall employee experience by eliminating frustrating legacy tools, request your free custom demonstration of the FourVision Timesheets Web App today and see for yourself just how powerful it is!

Dynamics 365 HR Time Tracking

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